Professional Personal & Family Coaching & Support

Professional Personal & Family Coaching & Support

Your Child Your Gift

Helping parents and guardians of children with special needs deal with overwhelm, anxiety, exhaustion, and other challenges of raising special needs kids.


Raising special needs children doesn’t have to be overwhelming or exhausting. At Your Child Your Gift, I believe that kids with special needs deserve every chance at the best life they can possibly have. Similarly, I believe that parents raising special needs children deserve to enjoy the journey of parenthood. The good news is that it’s possible for you to strike a balance to avoid burnout, exhaustion, or overwhelm.


I'm passionate about supporting parents in this life journey and connecting them with the right professionals to make their parenthood that much easier and the child’s life better.

After Diagnosis, What Next?

Typically, parents of children with special needs experience a range of emotions once their child is diagnosed with a specific condition.


Those emotions can range from grief to shock and confusion.


They can cause anxiety, shame, or guilt, especially when you don’t know what to do next or where to find the support you need to make it work.


If your child has just been diagnosed with a special condition and you’re wondering what’s next, you’ve come to the right place!

How I Can Help

Children are a blessing, and so is parenthood. But how do you raise and appreciate the uniqueness of your special needs child? That’s where I come in. Identifying your child’s uniqueness and distinguishing your role as a parent from the responsibilities of a doctor or therapist can make a huge difference in the quality of life you lead.


Identifying their learning capabilities and educational needs is also essential for the growth and development of a special needs child.


Each of my services is custom-tailored to address your unique challenges and find a solution that works best for you and your child.


Professional Support


Raising special needs children doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The joy of parenthood is celebrating your child’s milestones. However, without professional support from therapists and doctors alike, chances are that you’ll miss some of these milestones due to the overwhelm of doing everything yourself.

Peer Support


As the rest of the world gradually learns how to support children with special needs, parents of these children need to learn faster. Networking with parents who are raising similar children creates a sense of belonging. It shows you that you are not alone and introduces you to a community of other caregivers where you can share and support each other.


Few things are as uplifting as connecting with parents in a similar situation as you are. Not only does it foster the sharing of experiences, but it also promotes information sharing among parents who’ve been through the same journey.

Individual Consultation


Raising a child with special needs puts you as a parent in a unique position. As you care for your bundle of joy, you want to provide the best opportunity for them to grow, thrive, and be the best version of themselves. The question is how do you do this?


Trainings & Workshops


How do you overcome the stigma and anxiety associated with raising a special needs child?


Truth be told, the world can be hostile towards children and even adults with disabilities. As a parent, learning how to support and celebrate the uniqueness of your child is essential in ensuring you don’t succumb to the outside world’s perspective on special needs.



A parent’s role in a child’s life should be just that – parenting. But special needs children need specialized care and support. Too often, parents and guardians of these kids want to do it all – be the parent, therapist, and doctor all rolled up into one.


However, doing everything on your own breeds overwhelm, fatigue, and frustration among other energies. At Your Child Your Gift, we help parents access the professionals their children need to lead a better life.

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Phone: (858) 243-0885



Mon - Fri 9:00 am to 4:00 pm